Encrypting Your Root File System on RASPBERRY PI - using LUKS & dm-crypt

Thank you for sending in the info. We can see in /boot/config.txt that the line that enables the i2c bus is commented out. The i2c bus needs to be enabled for the Zymkey to work.


should be:

You can either uncomment that line or follow the steps in the Getting Started with the Zymkey 4i topic to enable the i2c bus:

  1. Log in to your pi and run sudo raspi-config
  2. Select Interfacing Options -> I2C ->
    Would you like the ARM I2C interface to be enabled? select (Yes), enter, enter
  3. Arrow Right to Finish

Your I2C bus is now configured and ready to talk to the Zymkey. Next install the Zymkey interface software (ZKIFC) onto your Pi.

You may want to start fresh following the steps here:

If you successfully complete the installation and binding you will see the blue LED flash once every three seconds. That needs to happen prior to attempting to encrypt the root file system.
