Generating CSR using Python

Hi Zymbit team,

We´ve finished some first testing labs with Zymkey 4i successfully. So far, We´ve used simple bash scripting but henceforth We´d like to move to Python.

Could you describe how to generate CSR using Python? We miss detailed information further than refence in your documentation “create_ecdsa_public_key_file() could be useful for generating a Certificate Signing Request”.

A simple example to generate a CSR from subject info ( C=xx, ST=xx, L=xx, O=xx, OU=xx, CN=xx Email=xx) wolud be highly usefull for us.



We’ll be looking into this soon.

Thanks Scott.

In summary, what we´d need to do with your library and related functions is the same as detailed in the following URL:

The difference is that We´d use PKCS11 instead software private key.
