I´m trying a MQTT client but a I get next error and I confirmed that ARN target is correct. So , I´d need to know how to invoke private key from mqtt command:
Does the file nonzymkey.key exist and is it located in the same directory that you are making the mosquitto_pub call from? This should be the file that you used when creating the CSR using Zymkey.
Actually, I think you are correct. Older versions of OpenSSL required an actual dummy key file, even when going through a hardware engine. It looks like the latest version that I’m testing against in Buster no longer require the file.
However, when I get mosquitto-clients from apt, the version from the repo does not support hardware engines. Did you build mosquitto on your own?
Do you have information about how make curl command work for client authentication with zymkey? Only I got zymkey working in openssl operation for CSR creation. I´d need either curl or mosquitto_pub in a client authentication proccess. Both ways don´t work due to zymkey_ssl engine is not found.
pi@raspberrypi:~/MQTT/certs $ curl --tlsv1.2 --cacert iotRootCA_Symantec.pem --cert raspb.crt --key nonzymkey.key --engine zymkey_ssl --key-typ ENG -v POST -d “{“hello”: “world”}” “http://XXXXXX.iot.iot.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/topics/hello/world”
*** SSL Engine ‘zymkey_ssl’ not found** curl: (53) SSL Engine ‘zymkey_ssl’ not found
For Mosquitto installation I followed these setps.
To use the new repository you should first import the repository package signing key: