Zymkey doesnt bind properly

@Mr123 It looks like bookworm was updated yesterday and the rpi-6.6.x kernel no longer overrides an upstream kernel decision to force the base number of the main GPIO controller to be global GPIO 0. The new numbering goes like this:

pi@bookworm64:~ $ head /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
gpiochip0: GPIOs 512-569, parent: platform/fe200000.gpio, pinctrl-bcm2711:
gpio-512 (ID_SDA )
gpio-513 (ID_SCL )
gpio-514 (GPIO2 )
gpio-515 (GPIO3 )
gpio-516 (GPIO4 |sysfs ) in hi IRQ
gpio-517 (GPIO5 )
gpio-518 (GPIO6 )
gpio-519 (GPIO7 )
gpio-520 (GPIO8 )
pi@bookworm64:~ $

For the PI4, GPIO4(PIN7) now maps to 516.

Try and specify using 516 as our WAKE_PIN and restart zkifc.

sudo su
echo "ZK_GPIO_WAKE_PIN=516" > /var/lib/zymbit/zkenv.conf
systemctl restart zkifc

Let me know if that works and I’ll fix our install script.