New Code Release

A new release which addresses timing issues was just issued this morning.

Debian package version numbers for this release are:
libzymkey: 1.1-13
zkifc: 1.2-17
zksaapps: 1.0-9
zkbootrtc: 1.1-12
zkapputilslib: 1.1-9
libzymkeyssl: 1.0-8

Instructions for Updating an Existing Installation
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install --only-upgrade libzk libzymkeyssl zkbootrtc zkifc zkapputilslib zksaapps
sudo pip install zku --upgrade
sudo pip3 install zku --upgrade

Is there a detailed changelog / fix list?

The changelogs can be viewed using apt. For example:
apt changelog zkifc

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