Testing data lock…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/share/zymkey/examples/zk_app_utils_test.py”, line 6, in
dst = zymkey.client.lock(src)
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zymkey/module.py”, line 226, in lock
raise AssertionError(‘bad return code %d’ % ret)
AssertionError: bad return code -1
I’m using the Zymbit 4i with a RasPi 4 (4G model) with the official POE HAT and extended gpio pins.
Running stock Raspbian 10.4 Linux 5.4.51-v7l+ #1327 SMP Thu Jul 23 11:04:39 BST 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux
Red power LED is illuminated steadily, no voltage warnings in dmesg.
It sounds like there might be an I2C bus issue. First thing I have to ask is to make sure you enabled the I2C bus via raspi-config or the desktop GUI. Next thing would be a potential conflict of resources with the POE HAT. Can you give me a link to the POE HAT so we can determine what GPIO pins, etc. it uses?
The POE HAT worked for me. I did some experimenting and removed GPIO2-GPIO3, and GPIO4 from the HAT and it still worked. If there was a conflict with the Zymkey, I would expect it would’ve been on those pins.
If you’re seeing a lot of the “i2c: transfer timed out”, double-check the connection of GPIO4 to the Zymkey. Another indicator would be the blue LED. If it flashes rapidly, then 8 slower flashes, it’s having communication problems most likely via GPIO4.
Thank you for investigating the issue so thoroughly. I will double check the connections, I suspect it’s the pin diameter of the extended headers I’m using to allow the GPIO pins to be long enough to pass through the hat and to the zymkey - I’d just expected it wouldn’t work at all but perhaps it’s intermittent…