Discrepancy in C++ library

Hi there :slight_smile:

In https://s3.amazonaws.com/zk-sw-repo/zkAppUtilsClass.cpp.pdf [access date: 29.07.2020] getECDSAPubKey() is listed as deprecated. Function exportPubKey() is described as available and is present in /usr/include/zymkey/zkAppUtilsClass.h, but /usr/lib/libzkAppUtilsClassCPP.so does not contain appropriate symbols.

Versions of zymkey libraries after update and upgrade:
libzk – 1.1-15
libzymkeyssl – 1.0-10
zkapputilslib – 1.1-11
zkbootrtc – 1.1-14
zkifc – 1.2-21
zkpkcs11 – 1.0-2
zksaapps – 1.0-13

I’m using Zymkey 4i on RPi 4. Should I use deprecated function or maybe update the library somehow?

Best regards

Hi Krzysztof,

We are looking into this for you.


Hi Krzysztof,

You may have determined this already, but you are correct in that exportPubKey() doesn’t work properly at this time. You should use the deprecated function getECDSAPubKey() since it does almost the same thing, just not for a foreign slot.
If you really need a key from a foreign slot, a workaround would be to use exportpubkey2file(), and get the output string from that file.
