Getting Started: ZYMKEY4i with RPI 4B Buster ARM 64 - Unable to locate package zkbootrtc


I’m running rapios-buster-arm64-lite 2021-05-07 and am going through the getting started guide. When running the install script it seems to fail silently during step. After a quick investigation i’ve found it fails to locate package zkbootrtc.

E: Unable to locate package zkbootrtc

Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a workaround?

Kind Regards,

Hi Jon,
It seems we have an issue with the zkbootrtc package for the 64 bit version of buster. You can download the deb directly and install while we cleanup the repo.


sudo dpkg -i zkbootrtc_1.1-14_arm64.deb

Was this ever fixed?
Running on 32bit bullseye and im getting the following errors during install.

E: Unable to locate package libzk
E: Unable to locate package libzymkeyssl
E: Unable to locate package zkbootrtc
E: Unable to locate package zkifc
E: Unable to locate package zkapputilslib
E: Unable to locate package zksaapps
E: Unable to locate package zkpkcs11

Your issue looks different. We have a note on our Getting Started regarding Bullseye 32bit. You most likely need to set arm_64bit=0 in /boot/config.txt to run the 32-bit kernel.

As of March 2023, Raspberry PI OS 32-bit images install the 64-bit kernel along with the 32-bit root filesystem. This does not allow our installation script to work. In order to properly install on an 32-bit system, edit /boot/config.txt and add the following line to the bottom of the file, then reboot.


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Nice one thank you.
Don’t know how i missed that on the quick guide page. Worked a treat.
Solved some other issues i got as well

Could you please share a link on the Getting started where this note exists? It does not exist here: Quickstart - ZYMKEY4 |

@chirikov - Most of the older Troubleshooting info was moved here:
General FAQ and Troubleshooting