Alive & Released !
We’re happy to announce that the Zymkey Host Package now supports Ubuntu 20.04. LTS, 64 and 32 bit distributions.
The installation script in Getting Started will automatically select the correct repository.
New Features:
Support for Ubuntu 20.04 32-bit and 64-bit.
Fix to quickly sync RTC with system clock. Resolves problem with Zymkey RTC displaying small values.
Fixed PKCS#11 library now saves keys in Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.
Initial support for Jetson Nano running Tegra Linux 18.04.
For New Installations:
- Follow the standard “Getting Started…” steps. Each flavor of operating system automatically chooses the correct repository, including the Jetson.
To Update existing Installations to implement fixes to issues above:
Known Issues:
- The i2c address cannot currently be changed from the default of 0x30.
Great!!! Thanks Bob!
I ran the installation script without any issues - all went very well and have the 3 second blinky
This was done on two RPi-4 boards with 8-Gig Ram.
I copied the test scripts from a different RPi running Raspberry Pi OS and got this result:
ubuntu@k8s-node-0:~/examples$ date;python3 /usr/local/share/zymkey/examples/;date
Fri Jul 17 07:32:18 EDT 2020
Signing data…OK
Verifying data…OK
Verifying tainted data…FAIL, yay!
Generating random block (131072 bytes)…
Encrypting random block…
Decrypting encrypted block…
PASS: Decrypted data matches original random data
Fri Jul 17 07:33:48 EDT 2020
Looks like around 90 seconds…
The Raspberry OS test run:
pi@Zymbit:/usr/local/share/zymkey/examples $ date;python /usr/local/share/zymkey/examples/;date
Fri 17 Jul 07:33:36 EDT 2020
Signing data…OK
Verifying data…OK
Verifying tainted data…FAIL, yay!
Generating random block (131072 bytes)…
Encrypting random block…
Decrypting encrypted block…
PASS: Decrypted data matches original random data
Fri 17 Jul 07:35:13 EDT 2020
Around 97 seconds to run the test script…
Notice the python3 call in the Ubuntu version 
So far things are working as expected - I plan to do some more testing this weekend but want to say THANKS for getting this working in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
I expected the Ubuntu version to run a bit faster given it is running 64-bit OS vs 32-Bit and the processor speed in the RPi-4 is a bit faster than the RPi-3 I tested against.
Humble request - can we get 20.10 groovy gorilla support as well? It should be as simple as providing the apt packages for groovy
on your aws storages, based on what the script describes for focal.
We usually target the LTS releases, not the short-term releases. Out of curiousity, what aspects of 20.10 do you need that are not included in 20.04 LTS?
20.10 is the first version that supports desktop mode for a pi 4. I was trying out a workstation pattern.
Admittedly this is a low-volume usecase.
@kontrasec - For us to turn a repo and test and support Groovy Gorilla is obviously a little more than just getting it to work. That said, If you would like to try things out, you should be able to point at our focal repository and install on 20.10. No guarantees all will work but here are the steps:
- Bring up 20.10. Update/upgrade and install curl.
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl
- Download the install script to your PI4
curl -G >
- Edit Line 53 and set distro=focal
distro=`lsb_release -c | cut -f2 -d$'\t'`
- Make the script executable and run as sudo
chmod +x
sudo su
Good luck!
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